What is a Mala Mantra or a 108 Chant?

According to Ayurveda (Ancient East Indian medicinal practies), we have 108 "marma points" (vital points of life force) in our body. This is why mantras are often chanted 108 times.

It is believed that each chant represents a journey from your material self towards your Highest spiritual Self. Each chant is believed to bring you one step closer to your Divinity within.

Reciting a mantra 108 times is said to help bring you into harmony with your true nature.

“Aham” = I Am

“Prema” = Divine Love

The Aham Prema mantra is believed to create pure love so that you experience your fundamental nature as Divine love.

The word "Prema" also refers to "human" and "universal love". Chanting "Aham Prema" affirms that the Self is pure Divine love.

The Aham Prema mantra supports you on your path to union with your Higher Self, or the Divine within you. 

Recite the mantra 108 times per day to experience this loving Divine energy.

You can waken to your sacred power within by asserting your Divine love within. Knowing you are of love allows you to truly love yourself and others. 

"I am that which I seek". 

No Mala Beads Required!

This 30 minute audio file includes the "Aham Prema" chant a concise 108 times and is recorded along with slow, rhythmic and melodic music designed to support your integration of the Divine love technology accompanied by this mantra.

Chant along out loud, in your head, or simply listen as the "Aham Prema" chant is delivered to you 108 times.

The audio file is downloadable so you can access it anytime from your audio file library as it suits your needs.

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