About The Practice Membership:

With the development of your inner stability and authentic success in mind, I've curated for you a handful of easy and accessible lessons and guided practices in meditation, mindfulness, pranayama, and energy management. By cultivating inner stability you can more effectively steer the expression of your life towards your authentic success, where true joy and fulfilment for you is found.

This is a place where you can come to be elevated from struggle and introduced to new ways of thriving. My goal and hope for you is that you'll become empowered in your knowing that you can and will live your best life and that you will do this on your own volition.

The content is available in a range of audio and video formats designed to meet you where you are. Practices are bite-sized, setting you up for success by allowing you to move at your own pace. With just a few clicks, you'll be able to access bite-sized lessons and practices when you need them, on any device, no matter where you are or what the circumstance.

The clear instruction combined with experiential sessions, along with textual transcriptions and isolated practices, all work together to help to meet your learning needs.

The online nature of this membership allows you to build a sustainable way of living and being that is capable of moving you forward. Slipping in and out of your practices throughout your day, as it works for you, allows you to easily integrate them into your life. This makes it possible to balance your schedule while staying committed to your inner stability development.

About The Higher Living Community

This online community provides a private and protected space for discussion and energetic support between and amongst like-minded people. Via the laws of coherence and resonance, community building of this kind takes our vibration very high, which supports each of us to move through each day at our best.

In community, through the development of our inner stability, we will learn how to pair our desire to reach our full potential with our capacity to create that which we desire, and this in turn ignites and empowers us. Together we will learn how to be in our hearts and to lead our lives with authority and grace. You will learn how to trust yourself enough to take willful action and direction towards what you want and see it into existence through passive receiving.

Through this process of learning and holding your power you will learn how to create authentically and as you do, start to fulfil your potential. This is where true joy and fulfilment can be found - this is authentic success.

This membership and community is supported by the Teachable platform, which allows me to stay closely connected to my community so I can work to keep you engaged with what elevates you, share invites to live talks and events, and update the platform with new content regularly - exclusive only to members.

I sure hope you'll join me!

The Top Three Things You Will Learn:

  1. How to be with the Self (to go within / to center) - so that you can learn where the truth of you can be found and access this at will.
  2. How to raise your vibration - so that you start to rise above the low-level minutia of your life, access your higher faculties, and embody the powerful creator that you are.
  3. How to cultivate inner stability - so that you become less reactive, more at peace and resilient, and more equipped to step out with less fear and more courage in your life.

Discover what you are really made of!

You can learn to disengage from your intellect as the sole source of your knowledge and access higher aspects of you and higher wisdom. Through these practices you can learn how to Know yourself beyond the intellect and when you know the truth about you - that you are a benevolent being here to thrive in your greatness - you become empowered and start to heal.

Using both modern and ancient practices, you will work with your heart, your major energy centers, your body and your mind to discover your true nature. As your mind calms and your heart opens, so does your understanding of who and what you are. Love starts to flow from your heart and as you learn how to stay in your heart and lead your life from your heart, you learn how you reach your full potential without so much fear holding you back.

Your true nature - the truest and most authentic you - is seeking your acknowledgement. As you choose to seek the Self, the journey to the Self will reveal itself to you. Little by little, all that you are, ALL that you have always been, and all that you are capable of can and will be known by you.

More Perks!!!

There is so much value found here!

I share my Substack subscription with you!

My blogs are audio recorded for my community - I read them to you!

Check out my blog here!

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